Monday, July 15, 2013

Reality Show in the Restaurant

                              Sorry for my hiatus.  I know all five or ten of my readers really missed me.  There's been a lot of things going on in my personal life.  The blog, while a great stress reliever, takes a back seat to all things personal.  This blog is not about my personal life, so that's all I have to say about that.  Just know that I am back.

                               I have never been so glad or in such a hurry to leave work as I was today.  Don't get me wrong, I am always ecstatic when my shift is over.  I usually always do a jig and sing a show tune on my way out the door, but today I was in a particular kind of hurry.

                                The phone was ringing, so I answered.  On the other end of the phone was someone asking for the manager.  She said her name was Brianna.  I asked her to please hold while I went to find him.  I put her on hold and turned to my manager who was actually standing beside me.  I told him that someone named Brianna was on the phone asking to speak to him.  He said it was probably someone wanting to check on an application, to just tell her that he was busy, and ask if I could take a message.  I did as I was told.  She actually was not someone wanting a job.  She was someone involved in a ridiculous reality show for a major television network.  She said that the participants in this reality show were wanting to go out to eat at Pizza Place this evening, but that they needed permission to film there.  I took everything down, along with the phone number she gave me.

                                After I got off the phone with her, I handed the note to the manager along with a warning.  "If I were you, I wouldn't let them film here.  They're not a documentary, they are a reality show.  The people they're filming are scum.  They're only out to make us all look like fools to get ratings for their network.  I promise, It's a bad idea."  Of course, as always, no one listens to me.  He completely ignored my warning.  He called that woman back and told her they could film there tonight.  It was his decision.  When that decision blows up in his face, he can't say he wasn't warned.  There was nothing I could do about it, except to get out of there as quickly as possible.

                                I know I post on a public blog, but I really am a private person.  I'm content with my life.  I don't need fortune or fame to be happy, nor would I want it.  I most certainly would not trade my dignity for my 15 minutes, which is exactly what they're doing.  They're perpetuating the stereotypes associated with living in Appalachia.  If you've read my previous post, you know that really burns my biscuits.  I'm really thankful I work day shift, so I don't have to be bothered with it.  I do, however, feel bad for the servers that were coming in for evening shift as I was leaving.  They were not happy.

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