Late post tonight because my family has spent the evening mourning Boston. No, I don't mean the Boston Marathon attacks. I'm talking about the passing of our 17 year old Boston Terrier named Boston. Totally original name, right? He was our baby before we had kids, and he will be forever missed. In his memory, I'm going to bitch about what Boston hated most in life, people. I felt a kinship with him in that sense. In his later years, he would bite a person just for walking past him. He bit my kids A LOT. No worries, though. By the time our kids came along, his teeth had long fallen out. He was a grumpy old bastard, but we loved him.
Today I'm not going to complain about customers. I'm going to instead bitch about co-workers. It's bad when your co-workers have pissed you off more than a day's worth of needy asshole customers. There is one cook, we'll call her Ethel. She is in my official "Top 10" the biggest fucking bitches I've been forced to continuously deal with.
At Pizza Place, we have to make all the apps. and salads going to the dining room. We have three fryers. Two sit beside the small freezer where the apps. are stored. The other one sits clear across the kitchen. The kitchen is small, but has a shit ton of freezers, refrigerators, ovens, and fryers. So, it's like a maze walking to the apps freezer then across the kitchen to the third fryer. If you're in a hurry, the other cooks won't say a word when you use the two fryers that are closest. Yet, Ethel considers them "her" fryers. The third fryer across the kitchen and through the corn maze belongs to the server's, in her mind anyway. I usually just go ahead and walk the few extra steps. I just don't want to hear her mouth.
Once, a few weeks ago, I had a table of 30 and there was no one to split it with. I was stuck with it by myself. Of course, they all wanted apps. and salads, which are my responsibility to make. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get their drinks, apps., and salads out before their entrees were ready. My plan was to drop all of their apps. While they were cooking, I was going to make all of the salads then get the apps. out of the fryer. One fryer can only hold so much at a time. I filled up the third fryer, but it didn't fit all of the apps. that I needed. The store manager told me to go use one of the other ones. So, I went back over to use one of the two of "her" fryers. She saw me heading toward it and stepped in front of me. "You need to use your fryer over there.", she snapped at me. I retort, "Well, Lazylardass told me to use this one because I have a big table, and all their apps. wouldn't fit in that fryer." She glares at me and rudely says, "Well, I don't care what Lazylardass said. You can't use my fryer, because I need it." She didn't. She didn't use it for the next ten minutes, well past when I would have been done with it. Believe me, I checked. She's the crew leader, so what can I really do. I can tell the store manager that she said she didn't care what he said. So, that's what I did. I tattled on her like a little crybaby. Oh well. I didn't even feel bad about it because of all of the cooks I've seen her get fired just because she didn't really like them.
This leads me to today. There was a lady cook that hadn't been working with us that long, we'll call her Jan. She was a nice lady if you took the time to actually talk to her. She was kind of shy and backward. She wouldn't speak unless spoken to, and you would have to actually have to ask her continuous questions to hold a conversation with her. By me taking the time to talk to her, I learned that both of her adult sons are in prison. Her sons had wives and kids. The wives were more useless than Jan's sons. When the sons went to prison, the wives packed the kids up and took them to Jan's house. They dumped their little ones with "Grandma" and said, "See you when I see you!" This lady had a lot of personal problems, but I never heard her complain. She never called off even though she was now responsible for her four grandchildren, nor was she late. Ethel never took the time to find out about this woman. Ethel saw Jan was quiet and deemed her as "weird". Ethel decided within a couple of hours that she did not like this woman. At that moment, it was decided. Jan's employment with Pizza Place was going to be brief. Ever since that day, Ethel has nit picked everything Jan has done. Jan could not do anything right in Ethel's eyes. If Jan swept the cooler, Ethel would decide she missed a spot and make Jan re-do it. If Jan made a pizza, Ethel would decide that it didn't look right/didn't have enough toppings/had too many toppings, and Jan would have to re-make it. If Jan stocked the pizza bar, Ethel would decide everything was in the wrong place, and make Jan re-organize it. You get it. I guess today Ethel realized that her snide remarks nor the extra work piled on Jan were going to make her quit. Ethel decided to stoop even lower today than her usual hunched-back self. No, today was the day Ethel stooped so low that her knuckles drug the ground as she walked. Everyone, including Ethel, knew that Jan HAD to be out of work at exactly 4, at the very latest. Jan had to be out at that certain time because she only had childcare for her grandchildren until then. If something needed to be done, she didn't care to come in later, but the daycare she used closed at 5pm. Ethel in in charge of giving everyone their "outs". "Outs" are the work one needs to get done before one can leave work. Ethel assigns them, then writes everyone's "outs beside their names on a piece of paper, and gives the paper to Lazylardass. Ethel thought, just for spitefulness, that it would be fun to give Jan Ethel's own "Outs". That way, when Jan thought she was done for the day, Ethel could go to Lazylardass and complain that Jan was trying to leave without doing her "outs". Jan would get in trouble, have to do extra work, and Ethel wouldn't have to do her own "outs", because they would already have been done by Jan. A win-win for Ethel, in her mind. It was all going as planned up until Lazylardass called Jan to the office to bitch at her for trying to leave without doing her "outs". Jan said that she was sick of the childish shit for which Ethel is well-known. She didn't need this shit, and he could consider their conversation her official two weeks notice. Jan told Lazylardass that she already did the "outs" that Ethel had assigned her at the beginning of their shift, and if he didn't believe her, to watch the cameras. Lazylardass did, and realized what Ethel was doing. After apologizing, he let Jan go home. He then called Ethel to the office, played the video footage, and told her that he knew what she had done to Jan. He made Ethel do all of the "outs" that Jan was supposed to do. Those particular "outs", obviously, were the worst, most time consuming, most monotonous "outs" that we had, because she was expecting Jan to have to do them when she needed to leave. Lazylardass also told Ethel that he would be watching her. If he caught her bullying Jan, or any other employee for that matter, she would be terminated. He said that the only reason he didn't fire her today was because he had picked her himself as crew leader. If this got out, it would look bad on him with the owner. If it got out that she was bullying employees, that would also make him look bad. He can't have his sparkling reputation tarnished. Of course, he doesn't care about us. He only cares about saving his own ass. The way I see it, they're both miserable bags of cunts. Fuck. Them. Both.
Side Note: It's that time again where I have two glorious days off work to spend with my family. We need to have some fun after our loss of Boston. Man, I'm going to miss that little fucker. Anyways, I won't be posting until Monday.
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