Friday, June 14, 2013

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

              I went to work this morning hoping and praying to every God that I've ever heard of for a slow day.  Today would be my 5th day of work in a row, and the last before my two days off.  That's right, I work in a restaurant AND I don't work weekends.  I just recently got "promoted" (I use that term loosely) to day shift Monday-Friday because I have 8 years experience with the last 3 1/2 being at Pizza Place, or it could just be that I'm the biggest of the losers so they felt sorry for me and decided to give me a break.  You know, whatever.  Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked.  As I walk in the door the other waitress I work with says "Ohh, good, you're here.  I need you to go stock the party room and take all of the menus off the tables back there."  I say "Ohh, I didn't know we had a party reserved for today."  Then she says it.  The sentence that crushes and grinds my soul into a fine powder.  "They just called.  There's going to be 40-50 of them, all college students."  I dropped to my knees raised my arms in the air and shouted "No!!!!! God, why hast thou forsaken me?!" at the heavens.  Okay, maybe I wasn't that dramatic about it, but I was really bummed.  So, I did as I was told and got everything ready for their arrival.  It turns out that they had went ahead and ordered their food and drinks ahead of time, which made everything much easier.  As I've explained before, the party room already has plates, cups, lids, napkins, silverware, and straws.  All they ordered were 5-30" pizzas, 5 orders of Pepperjack Cheese Cubes, and 12-pitchers of soda, so all we had to do was take them a big bucket of ice, the 12 pitchers of soda, their 5 appetizers, and their 5 pizzas and they had everything they needed right there to serve themselves.  It turned out much better than expected.  I told the greedy butt fucking manager he wasn't getting a dime and the other waitress and I split the auto grat $21 for her and $21 for moi.  Life was good, and the day was slow.  Right as I was trying to get everything cleaned and stocked so that I could leave, the other waitress decided it was a good time to take her break.  Then, of course, 5 tables poured in at once.  A 1-top, 2 3-tops, 1 4-top, and an 8-top.  Fucking Fan. Tas. Tic.  I worked my way through them starting with who had gotten there first.  They were all pretty nice, and had only ordered 1 or two apps per table and only one lady at the 8-top had wanted a salad, so i didn't have a bunch of shit that I had to hurry to make and get out to them before their foods were up.  I went and put all their orders in, then got all the drinks for all the tables at once and took them all out.  After I got all the drinks passed out, I went into the kitchen, made all the apps and the one salad, then took all that out.  I got refills, then their food was about all up, so I started running food.  Everyone was actually super easy to deal with, especially the 8-top, who I found out was mostly out-of-towners visiting family, so I chatted with them or a while.  Everyone ate quick and left quit, which made me one happy server.  The 8-top had auto grat on it,of course, but it was only about $12.  One guy paid the whole bill.  Another guy handed me a $20.  Two of the ladies each handed me a $10. Then another lady handed me $3, for a grand total of $55!!! From one simple, easy as pie table.  And that ladies and gentlemen is how I made $135 on day shift today without having to work very hard,  I'm sure I'll wind up blowing it this weekend on the husband, father, and father-in-law, since it is Father's Day weekends, after all.

Once again, since it is the weekend, and my only two days off for another week, I will be spending all of the free time I have with the family.  Look for another post Monday evening.  Until then!

On a side note:  If you are taking the family out to eat this weekend, make SURE you give your server a big fat 20%+ tip for putting up with your demon crotch spawn, bag of cunts wife, bastard husband, condescending in-laws, douchebag parents, or what have you.  You can barely stand your family, and you love them, so imagine how your server feels about them.  Happy Father's Day!

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